Position Title
Associate Professor
Position Title
Associate Professor
- Environmental Science and Policy
Ecosystem consequences of changing inputs of terrestrial dissolved organic matter to lakes: current knowledge and future challengesCT Solomon, SE Jones, BC Weidel, I Buffam, ML Fork, J Karlsson, ...
Ecosystems 18, 376-389, 2015
Ecology under lake ice
SE Hampton, AWE Galloway, SM Powers, T Ozersky, KH Woo, RD Batt, ...
Ecology letters 20 (1), 98-111, 2017
Widespread deoxygenation of temperate lakes
SF Jane, GJA Hansen, BM Kraemer, PR Leavitt, JL Mincer, RL North, ...
Nature 594 (7861), 66-70, 2021
Mountain lakes: Eyes on global environmental change
KA Moser, JS Baron, J Brahney, IA Oleksy, JE Saros, EJ Hundey, S Sadro, ...
Global and Planetary Change 178, 77-95, 2019
Residence time and seasonal movements of juvenile coho salmon in the ecotone and lower estuary of Winchester Creek, South Slough, Oregon
BA Miller, S Sadro
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132 (3), 546-559, 2003