CE's In Action
Across three colleges at UC Davis, researchers are working on ways to detect the pest, manage it in the field throughout its lifecycle and develop long-term solutions to minimize the threat to California agriculture. The work is happening in labs and the field, using drones, human spotters and new techniques to sniff out volatile organic chemicals that are emitted when the weed is present.
Making the Connection
For more than 100 years, UC Cooperative Extension (CE) has been working with farmers, ranchers, environmentalists and so many others to identify concerns and innovate solutions that support productive agriculture, healthy ecosystems and prosperous communities throughout California.
Rooted in every county in the state, CE specialists connect the campus to the people they serve. It’s a two-way link. CE researchers provide science-based strategies and solutions, and local communities help scientists understand what issues to address, find working landscapes to conduct their experiments and circulate findings back to the field. Together, they build a better future for California.
Making a Difference
Because of its campus-community connection, UC Cooperative Extension is able to customize resources and opportunities to meet the diverse and changing needs of individual communities. CE specialists partner with county experts to restore ecosystems, improve crop production, enhance water and air, improve human health and much more.