The University upholds a number of administrative policies in order to keep our community safe.

UC Davis Safety Services serves the University by administering a number of Campus Safety elements which include:

  • Campus Environment
  • Department Safety Coordinators
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Fire Prevention Services
  • Personal and Workplace Safety
  • Risk Management Services

UC Davis Safety Services webpage can be accessed here:

The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences strives to maintain a safe learning and working environment. Faculty, staff, and students must conduct college operations in compliance with applicable federal, state, and local regulations, and university Injury & Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) requirements.

The UC Davis Policy and Procedure Manual (PPM) Chapter 290, Section 15 – Safety Management Program, outlines the policy for the UC Davis Safety Management Program. Per PPM Ch. 290 S. 15, it is the responsibility of every department head and supervisor to assure that appropriate information and training are provided to employees. Likewise, it is the responsibility of all employees to follow safe work practices and procedures as specified in written protocols and policies.

For more information, contact your Department Safety Coordinator:

Policy Wonk

The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences IT Team launched the public beta of a new artificial intelligence tool, PolicyWonk. This tool has been rolled out to various IT leads and administrators but I wanted to make sure you all had access to it as well given the various discussions we’ve had about policies recently.

PolicyWonk is your app for navigating the complex maze of UCOP and campus policy. Whether you’re a student, faculty, staff, or administrator, understanding and complying with university policies is now easier than ever.

  • Immediate answers: type in your policy questions and receive quick, clear, and concise answers with citations to relevant policies
  • Simple to use: it is designed with user-friendliness in mind, you can select focus areas for your questions such as Core (UCOP and UCD PPM, PPSM, and delegations), Academic Personnel Manual, or UCOP Union Contracts 
  • Secure: Single Sign-On/MFA protected, data stored on AggieCloud
  • Always informed: PolicyWonk’s database is continuously updated, ensuring you get the most current policy information
  • Rooted: every answer from PolicyWonk contains citations to the relevant policies, including links to the official policy documents for further reading—the tool will only provide available answers
Coming soon:


Please note, the information provided by PolicyWonk is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered legal or professional advice. Always consult with the appropriate experts and refer to official policies such as in the citations provided for accurate information.


For questions please email or visit