Position Title
Associate Professor
Position Title
Associate Professor
- Entomology and Nematology
Draft genome of the globally widespread and invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile)CD Smith, A Zimin, C Holt, E Abouheif, R Benton, E Cash, V Croset, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (14), 5673-5678, 2011
Draft genome of the red harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus
CR Smith, CD Smith, HM Robertson, M Helmkampf, A Zimin, M Yandell, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (14), 5667-5672, 2011
The Genome Sequence of the Leaf-Cutter Ant Atta cephalotes Reveals Insights into Its Obligate Symbiotic Lifestyle
G Suen, C Teiling, L Li, C Holt, E Abouheif, E Bornberg-Bauer, P Bouffard, ...
PLoS genetics 7 (2), e1002007, 2011
Division of labor in honeybees: form, function, and proximate mechanisms
BR Johnson
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 64, 305-316, 2010
Phylogenomics resolves evolutionary relationships among ants, bees, and wasps
BR Johnson, ML Borowiec, JC Chiu, EK Lee, J Atallah, PS Ward
Current Biology 23 (20), 2058-2062, 2013