Position Title
Associate Professor
Position Title
Associate Professor
- Human Ecology
Effects of early maternal distress and parenting on the development of children's self-regulation and externalizing behaviorDE Choe, SL Olson, AJ Sameroff
Development and Psychopathology 25 (02), 437–453, 2013
The effects of parental depressive symptoms, appraisals, and physical punishment on later child externalizing behavior
KA Callender, SL Olson, DE Choe, AJ Sameroff
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 40 (3), 471–483, 2012
Trajectories of child externalizing problems between ages 3 and 10 years: Contributions of children’s early effortful control, theory of mind, and parenting experiences
SL Olson, DE Choe, AJ Sameroff
Development and Psychopathology 29 (4), 1333–1351, 2017
The interplay of externalizing problems and physical and inductive discipline during childhood
DE Choe, SL Olson, AJ Sameroff
Developmental Psychology 49 (11), 2029–2039, 2013
Developmental precursors of young school-age children's hostile attribution bias
DE Choe, JD Lane, AS Grabell, SL Olson
Developmental Psychology 49 (12), 2245–2256, 2013