Position Title
Position Title
- Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology
Nest webs: a community-wide approach to the management and conservation of cavity-nesting forest birdsK Martin, JM Eadie
Forest Ecology and Management 115 (2-3), 243-257, 1999
Pre-hatch and post-hatch brood amalgamation in North American Anatidae: a review of hypotheses
JMA Eadie, FP Kehoe, TD Nudds
Canadian Journal of Zoology 66 (8), 1709-1721, 1988
Conspecific brood parasitism in birds: a life-history perspective
BE Lyon, JMA Eadie
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 39, 343-363, 2008
Resource heterogeneity and fish species diversity in lakes
JMA Eadie, A Keast
Canadian Journal of Zoology 62 (9), 1689-1695, 1984
Parental choice selects for ornamental plumage in American coot chicks
BE Lyon, JM Eadie, LD Hamilton
Nature 371 (6494), 240-243, 1994