beer and wine

Get a Taste of “Brew La-La,” Winner of the Iron Brew Competition

In a celebration of friendship and fermentation, the 2024 UC Davis Iron Brew competition crowns "Brew La-La" as this year's winner. With each sip, this Belgian blonde ale features hints of honeysuckle, wildflowers and citrus blossoms that intertwine with subtle undertones of vanilla, bubble gum and honey. 


Where Can You Grab a Pint?

Starting May 30 – Available at Gunrock located on campus near the Silo

Starting May 31 – Available at Sudwerk Brewing Co. located at 2001 2nd St., Davis.

The Cause and Effects of ‘Hop Creep’ During Beer Production

Crafting beer is a precise science. Brewers know that various types of yeast and different fermentation methods control how beer will taste. But a phenomenon known as “hop creep” can sometimes throw a brewer for a loop.

New research shows that perhaps brewers don’t have to feel bitter about it. A UC Davis study published in the Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists provides insight into why hop creep happens and its implications for brewers.